10 - If I change my goal (from PTE65 to PTE58), will it affect my account?

Yes and No.

The BoostPTE system uses Artificial Intelligence to analyze the following information (considered as input):

- What is the student's target? For example, PTE 65 or PTE 58. This data is used to give suggestions/recommendations on how to solve/solve the problem (eg list of vocabulary to learn in FIB, how to remove words in RS... suitable). suitable for the target. A high target will require more.)

- Operation/access to BoostPTE.com System (eg 2 hours a day, or 4 hours...).

- Number of lessons practiced; and the speed and amount of exercise completion (for example, every day there are 30 WFD exercises different from 20 WFD exercises; and whether practicing to achieve 30% correct or 70% correct, these 2 data are different).

And some other input information,...

From there, the System Analyzes and provides (OUTPUT) Suggestions and Recommendations (In the Study Plan and Analysis section).

The image below is the Study Plan that the System analyzes for an Account with a target of PTE 58. So changing the profile from "Target PTE 65" to "Target PTE 58" will change the Analysis to match your new Target. you, but do not change the Account type or other account information.

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